Reporting and analysis of SMS campaign results

The Report tab provides access to detailed statistics after a completed SMS campaign, allowing a full analysis of its results.

1. Summary

  • In the Summary tab, you will find the main information about sending SMS campaigns, such as:

    • Campaign name: How the campaign was named.

    • Shipping time: When the messages were sent.

    • Number of recipients: How many people received the messages.

    • Recipient group: To which group of contacts the campaign was sent.

    • Headline and message content: A preview of the content that was sent to the recipients.

  • Delivery statistics:

    • Delivered: How many messages were successfully delivered.

    • Undelivered (Non-delivered): The number of messages that did not reach the recipients.

    • WAITING status: Messages that are still waiting for a report from the operator and their final delivery status is not yet known.

2. Clicks:

  • Under Clicks, you can verify how many people clicked on the link that was used in the campaign.

3. Tools:

In the Tools tab, there are additional operations that can help you manage your campaign results:

  • Archive non-existent contacts: This option allows you to delete contacts that are inactive or do not exist.

  • Export undelivered messages: The ability to export a list of messages that have not been delivered, allowing you to further analyze and attempt to contact again. Export CSV report: Download the full campaign report in CSV format for further analysis.

  • Create a group from the recipients who clicked the link: You can create a new group of recipients who clicked the link to, for example, send them another message or customize an offer.

4. Verify link statistics with suffixes:

  • To verify link statistics with suffixes, go to: SMS -> SMS Campaigns -> Settings -> Links with suffixes.

Last updated