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When sending an SMS with a link, the user has the option to add a so-called suffix to the link. A suffix is a unique part of the URL that is appended to the standard link. The structure of a link with a suffix looks as follows:, where "suffix" is any word or string of characters that can be defined. It could be, for example, a campaign identifier, promotion number, product category, or even the recipient's name if the link is meant to be more personalized.
To correctly create a link with a suffix, you need to reserve the appropriate number of characters in the SMS message. The number of characters in the link depends on the length of the suffix that will be added to the URL. Keep in mind that SMS has a limit of 160 characters, so the length of the link should be adjusted to this number to avoid exceeding the limit and preventing the message from being cut off.
In the Links with suffixes tab, you will find a collection of information about the links used in your campaigns and their statuses.
With the + button in the top right corner of the panel, you can add a new link.
Fill in the details:
Target Link - the destination URL you want to redirect the recipient to
After filling in the details, click Add.
All clicks on links with suffixes are recorded and available in the system. This data can be found in the SMS tab -> SMS Campaigns -> Settings -> Suffix Links -> Clicks.
After clicking a link with a suffix, the system registers relevant data regarding the user’s interaction, which includes:
Device IP: The panel collects information about the IP address of the device from which the link was clicked.
Click Time: The panel records the exact time when the click occurred.
Note that when using a link with a suffix in an SMS, the panel does not register the phone number from which the click occurred.
We also offer the functionality of shortening links and tracking them.
By using the unique identifier (i.e., the "xyzb" suffix), the system can register which specific recipient clicked the link. This provides data on:
When the click occurred – the exact time of the click.
Which phone number clicked the link – the recipient's phone number that clicked the link.
This information is available in the detailed report generated after the SMS campaign ends.
Suffix Name - the name that will appear after
Links are shortened to the format , where "xyzb" is a unique identifier assigned to each recipient.
Example: Instead of a long link, e.g.,, the link will be shortened to .
To comply with the 160-character limit for a single SMS message, remember that a shortened link takes up 17 characters. This means that every link shortened to will have a length of 17 characters, which should be subtracted from the total number of characters in the SMS message.
Example: If the message content takes up 140 characters and we add a shortened link, such as , the total message will have 157 characters, leaving us with 3 characters for additional text, if needed.