RCS message types
RCS Basic/ RCS Lite
RCS Lite (RCS Basic) is the successor to SMS Verified, with an emphasis on greater message security and effective anti-fraud. RCS Lite has brand verification, so users can be sure they are interacting with a favorite and well-known brand. The presence of an icon confirming the authenticity of the profile is not only a security element, but also builds the prestige of the brand, making it more credible in the eyes of users.
RCS Lite characteristics:
all features of Verified SMS
access to statistics of delivered and read messages
podwójna weryfikacja nadawcy (weryfikacja Google)
komunikacja w nowym odrębnym szyfrowanym kanale RCS
RCS Single Message/ Rich RCS
All RCS Lite functionality augmented by the ability to add to the welcome message:
photo carousel (as many as four graphics)
possibility to add CTA buttons
Chat RCS/ Conversional RCS
Possibility of two-way communication with the user even 24h/day! The tool gives the option of richer multimedia, images, videos, GIFs in any colors, URLs, maps, etc. In addition, data for analysis such as customer delivery confirmations or reading confirmations.
RCS Chat Characteristics:
24-hour chat window
possibility of automation
possibility to redirect the customer to his own website
use of all the, previously mentioned functions
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