ISO 27001, 27018, 22301 certifications
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We are committed to the highest standards of data protection and security of our solutions. We have put in place many control mechanisms to ensure the effectiveness of security measures and compliance with standards, as evidenced by the certificates we have obtained.
By choosing our services, you gain not only savings and scalability, but also stable security, operational continuity and full regulatory compliance.
ISO/IEC 22301:2019
Business Continuity Management Systems
A global standard defining the requirements for a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS). Its aim is to support organizations in identifying potential threats to their operations and implementing effective mechanisms that enable quick responses to incidents and efficient restoration of services, including MessageFlow.
ISO/IEC 27001
Information Security Management
A global standard regulating information security management systems (ISMS). It provides guidelines for the creation, implementation, maintenance, and continuous improvement of processes related to data protection and risk management.
ISO/IEC 27018
Personal Data Protection in Cloud Computing
A global code of practice supporting the management of personal data in cloud computing.